Our Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credit courses are designed for students who would benefit from a slower pace than a traditional high school program. Our credit course hours well exceed the minimum 110 hours per course to support our students learning needs.
Our alternative Essentials for Independent Living (EIL) program focuses on building functional literacy and numeracy skill, social skills, workplace skills and independence. Our EIL program runs our “Cookie Cafe” to engage in real-world work experiences. This EIL program offers a Certificate of Achievement upon completion of the 4-year program. Our goal is to provide the key elements for self-sufficient living
Our Essentials for Independent Living and Work Experience program is more than a life skills program. We teach independence for life, independence for a job, friendship and living autonomously.
Our combination of the EIL program and credit courses are designed for students who may be capable of achieving an OSSD but would benefit from a slower pace accessing credits while engaging in some of our EIL courses.
Classroom Technology
We are a G Suite for Education (Google) environment. All of our students have personally-assigned Chromebooks to use in all of their classes. Read & Write Assistive Technology is accessible by every student, in order to assist with speech to text dictation, word prediction in writing, and text to speech read-aloud. Teachers assign work using Google Classroom, so that students can complete and submit work online, directly to their teacher.